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Within the Better Factory project, the IM is deployed as part of the Cognitive Human Robot Interaction (C-HRI) scenario. The deployment is based on Docker Compose, and the set of initialized components is depicted in the picture here below:

flowchart LR
    classDef supsi fill:#B4C7DC,color:#000;
    classDef pvt fill:#B2B2B2,color:#000;
    classDef pub fill:#E8F2A1,color:#000;

    subgraph SUPSI
    direction TB
    im:::supsi <--> middleware:::supsi
    kafka-message-model:::supsi --> middleware:::supsi

    subgraph Private Deps
    models:::pvt <--> im:::supsi

    subgraph Public Deps
    models:::pvt <--> models-db:::pub

The blue-colored components represent the core components for which SUPSI provides and maintains a Docker image; the other components represent Docker images that are either publicly available (green-colored) or maintened by other Better Factory partners (grey-colored).


In this deployment version, all the Docker images but the public ones can be downloaded from the RAMP Docker Registry.



The image is based on the fast-data-dev (v2.6.2) project by and runs a full fledged Kafka installation (including extra services, e.g., UIs).

In addition, the Schema Registry is automatically populated with schemas available under the /schemas directory. In our deployment, the /schemas directory is read from the kafka-message-model component.

The middleware is run in secure mode and can be accessed at localhost:3040 (credentials are stored in the docker-compose file).


This component embeds the data model shared within the Better Factory project. The data model is automatically uploaded to the Schema Registry available within the middleware.


The models component exposes a REST API to access the data model shared among all the components involved in the C-HRI scenario. The API is accessed by the IM to fetch information about workers and other factory elements.


The models-db component runs an official MySql docker image (v5.7).